Perhaps the first and second lines of my poem would better be written: “In this week that’s called ‘Election undecided'”. What a stressful time this is for our country and for the world! Let us continue to encourage one another, pray for one another, and work toward reconciliation and unity.
In this day that’s called “Election undecided”, When the world awaits Him who will be “knighted”— Magnificent God, Creator and Blesser, Righteous and Loving, Your reign is forever! Open our eyes To see what you’re doing; Open our ears To hear what you’re saying; Place in our hearts A desire to please you; Create in our wills Resolve to obey you. Oh, Father of lights, Sustainer of all life, Have mercy on this world Filled with violence and strife; Oh, great physician, Healer of all disease, Cause us to repent That war and pain may cease. May your will be done. May your kingdom progress, As your children live In obedience: Cherishing your word, Following your command, Expressing you love In ways that you’ve planned; Not living my chance, Nor distracted by threats; Not yielding to fear, Nor to greed’s excess; Displaying, instead, Gentleness and self-control; By the Spirit’s help, Possessing our soul! Jane Ault 11/4/20