A Day of Joy and Gladness
My poem, today, reflects the refreshment and joy Jesus gave me as I walked with him, observing the beauty and glory of his creation. I hope there’s a place where you, also, can find beauty, silence your heart, and be strengthened by his grace. It doesn’t have to be a Sunday. A day of joy […]
Reduce Resentment, Increase Joy
While in the middle of preparing breakfast, I ran upstairs to get my glasses. As I passed the bedroom, I noticed an open window. The bright morning sun was warming the air in the room. I didn’t take time to close it because my sausage was cooking. I didn’t want it to burn. I said […]
What Hand Washing Will and Will Not Do
Careful hand washing is something I’ve practiced for years. I hate getting dirt under my fingernails. I don’t like sticky or greasy hands. This well-established habit has made it easy for me to remember to wash my hands during the pandemic. Hand washing takes care of one kind of hygiene. It helps us protect our […]
Celebrating the 5th of July
My grandparents wanted to get married on the 4th of July. They planned to meet early in the morning, take the train to International Falls (MN), and find a justice of the peace who would marry them. They slept late, missed the train, and ended up getting married on July 5. That was the story […]
Processing Grief in An Antique Garden
This hay rake stands in the middle of a garden containing other antique farm equipment. Its polished surface contains no rust or dirt. For farmers in the area, it carries fond memories. For me, it stirs up a special memory of joy mixed with a tinge of sorrow. While we were together for a week, […]
Finding Comfort in the Midst of Loss
It’s been seven weeks since I’ve written anything on this site. (This is only partly due to the fact I broke my glasses, as previously stated on May 1.) My mind and heart have been occupied with the physical deterioration of my closest kin. On June 11, my twin sister transitioned from this earth to […]
Broken Glasses and Better Vision
A friend whom I hadn’t seen for quite a few months joined our home group Wednesday night. We met face-to-face. Online. She talked about the blessings technology, which makes it possible to meet together, and about the benefits of slowing down. She had a smile on her face and a heart full of gratitude. As […]
Hope in this Time of Distress
“Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I’ve listened enough to reports about the coronavirus!” “Okay. I’ll turn the TV off,” my husband said. He did, and we spent some time praying and singing. Energized and encouraged, I began to work on my projects for the day. In my protective mask and stay-at-home secure position, it would be […]
Who has ultimate immunity?
Every night as the broadcast ends, ABC nightly news picks a hero for the day. Earlier this week, their hero for the day was a physician working in the ICU to save the lives of coronavirus patients. This man displayed an attitude of humility and took compassionate actions beyond the call of duty. He noticed […]
Joining in Jesus’ Prayer
As I listen to the many reports of the coronavirus pandemic, my heart grieves. I believe Jesus, also, sees, and he calls us to pray with him. Let us be faithful in intercession. It is an act of love. The following song flowed from my heart as I spent time with Jesus this week. Jesus […]