Plan to Celebrate the Holiday Season with a Joyful Heart
For a few days, I fed on news reports, set no boundaries on my Google searches, and paid no attention to the time I spent doing this. As this activity increased, so did the level of anger, anxiety, and depression in my soul. Last night I went to bed. I tossed and turned for a […]
Perhaps the first and second lines of my poem would better be written: “In this week that’s called ‘Election undecided’”. What a stressful time this is for our country and for the world! Let us continue to encourage one another, pray for one another, and work toward reconciliation and unity. In this day that’s called […]
Why Do I Vote? Who do I Vote for?
Why do I vote? Who do I vote for? The usual answers to the “why I vote ” question are It’s a privilege It’s an honor It’s my responsibility I can exert influence on politicians Beyond that, voting causes me to clarify what I believe and take a stand for it. It tells me something […]
How to Stop a “Tanker full of Anger”.
I often feel angry about the destruction I see in the world around me and hear about in the media. How do I manage my anger so that I don’t add more of it to the mixture? It helps me to remember that the tree of anger often grows out of a root of pain […]
The One Essential of Life
The clock moves on but God is still,Hurried flesh knows not his will. Like Mary, we must turn aside,deny ambition, give up pride,leave our projects, choose to wait. We cannot love unless we hate.We cannot live unless we die. God will not rule while we still try.He will not force us to repent but soon […]
Finding Peace in the Midst of COVID-19 Devastation
Is “devastation” not an appropriate word to describe the condition of this country and the world? Often, I weep. My heart pounds. I can’t sleep. I feel outraged. I don’t want to express this with hurtful and destructive words. Neither do I want to hide in fear. What do I do? I pray. I spend […]
A Plea to President Trump for Repentance
I am writing this post out of a deep concern about the message President Trump is sending to the world about Christianity through his behavior. I cannot imagine Jesus Christ acting and speaking as he does. My heart weeps. Some of you may be his supporters. I do not hate you or him. If you […]
What it Takes to Finish Well
In a conversation with a friend this week, I described my early activity in the church as “I thought I could do everything so I did”. Of course, I could not do everything well. Also, some things and some people got left out. Sadly, sometimes it was my children. I did not recognize my limitations […]
Am I An App of My Telephone?
Technology is a gift. I’m thankful for it. Yet, I can easily become distracted by it. Going without it would be like farming with yesteryear’s machinery. Very slow. Maybe slowing down would be a good idea. Today’s poems reflect the struggle I have to stay in control of the very precious gift of time. The […]
Finding Confidence to Finish Your Race
This week the drain in our kitchen sink stopped working. I rinsed the grime and grease from my supper dishes, but the dirty water remained in the sink. I said to my husband, “We may need to call a plumber!” “No!” I think I can fix it,” he said. “Well, okay! I said as I […]