Someone Safe to Be Vulnerable With
This week I had the joy of visiting with a very creative friend. Society calls this friend, whom I find refreshingly real and delightful, “disabled.” I prefer to not use the label “disabled” for anyone. It conveys a distorted and negative viewpoint. None of us are totally competent in every life’s capabilities. We all have […]
What Children Can Teach Us
I had the joy of spending last week with my daughter and four of my grandchildren, ages 11-14. In their short lives, they’ve experienced what seems to me an unusual amount of loss due to death. Several family members and friends have died from cancer. I wondered how they were coping with these losses. To […]
Learning to Love in Simple Ways
Although I start my day with Jesus, taking time for Bible study and prayer, this is not enough to keep me connected with him throughout the day. I need to keep listening to my GPS—the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus sends to all of us who love him. I need to do the things which he […]
Depression: Friend or Foe?
Last week, I decided that winter was here to stay and that if I wanted to get into shape I’d better find an indoor place to walk. I bought a membership so that I could use the indoor track at the local college. The next day, the weather changed. I welcomed the sunshine and warmer than usual temperatures. […]
Learning to Listen Well
I often rise before my husband does, but on some mornings he wakes up earlier than I do. He kindly refrains from eating breakfast until I wake up. Always eager to eat, he asks, “What time will you be able to have breakfast?” (I wait 30 minutes or more after taking a medication before I eat breakfast.) […]
Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone
I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at my digital alarm clock to check the time, but I saw only darkness. Why can’t I see my clock? I wondered. Maybe my pillows are piled too high and they’re blocking out the light. Then, I realized the problem: loss of electric power. […]
What Do You Need to Be Intentional About?
Last week, I participated with other New Hope Community Church members in a week of prayer and fasting. The fast that the Holy Spirit led me to do was a fast from making my own plans in order to listen more closely to his voice. Among other things, doing this required that I put on […]
Partnership in Marriage: Making It a “Win” for Both Spouses
In a discussion this week that John and I were having about a FACEBOOK comment, I shared with him a response that I wanted to make. He thought that my comment was insightful but that it would not be appropriate or wise to post it. At first I disagreed with him, but after more thoughtful […]
Appreciating My Body
Every day, especially in the winter time, I enjoy my morning shower. I turn the hot water tap on as far as I can, without burning myself, and feel my muscles relax. As my whole body warms up, I quietly listen for any words that the Holy Spirit might want to say to me. This […]
A Challenge to Grow in Prayer
Three mornings this week, I woke up with the song “Sweet Hour of Prayer” running through my mind. A treasured memory that I have is that of my grandmother playing and singing the words of that old hymn–she could, also, beautifully whistle the tune. I did not inherit that ability, but I can sing […]