Seven R’s of Restful Living: Receive Kindly Spoken Truth
As I said in part one of this series on restful living, my doctor recently told me that I needed to reduce my stress.He was very kind in the way he spoke, but he let me know that I needed to make changes–he told me the truth. In a firm yet gentle voice, he gave me what the writer […]
Seven R’s of Restful Living: Remember Your Frame–Body, Soul, and Spirit
Last week, I talked about the first “R” of restful living—remaining with Jesus. This week, I’m talking about the second “R” of restful living: remember your frame–body, soul and spirit. One of the songs, popular when I was teenager, was “This Old House.” The lyrics describe what it’s like to age— live in a body that […]
Seven R’s of Restful Living: Remain with Jesus
A few weeks ago during one of my yearly medical appointments, my doctor told me that I needed to reduce my stress. At first he was going to prescribe a medication (which I was willing to accept); then, he changed his mind and said,” I am not giving you the medication; you know what to […]
Remembering Mother
On this Mother’s Day weekend, I’m sharing a poem that I wrote and gave to my mother the year before she died. She’s been gone for fourteen years but I still miss her—especially on this holiday. Remembering her specific actions of love is my way of honoring her. Dad planted rosebushes along the side of […]
Comfortable Shoes and “Comfortable” Thinking
When I find a comfortable pair of shoes, I wear them, And wear them, And wear them, And wear them. I never want them to wear out; But after awhile They do wear out. Then I look for a pair of shoes exactly like those comfortable old shoes. I look, And look, And look, And […]
Appreciating God Through the Beauty of Flowers
Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love flowers. Right now, as look out the window in my kitchen where I stand washing dishes, I can see bright yellow daffodils blooming. As I drive toward the garage, brilliant purple hyacinths make me feel cheerful. Although, they have not yet opened, I can smell the […]
How I Respond to Sadness and Happiness
Giant sequoias rising 300 feet into the blue sky; water, as clear as glass, flowing in mountain streams; California poppies, Purple vetch, Lupines, Chinese Houses, and other wild flowers blooming along the banks of the Sierra railroad; radiant smiles and spontaneous hugs from grandchildren I adore; walking and talking, playing games, taking photos, cheering for my grandson at his Little League […]
What God Does For Doubters
Although I have been a Christian for many years, at times, I still struggle with doubt. Not doubt about who Jesus is and what he accomplished in his life, death, and resurrection, but doubt about myself. Doubt and anxiety about my progress and performance as his follower. A few weeks ago, I was again wrestling […]
What It Takes to Give Others Grace
When I hear verbal stone-throwers while listening to the media, I feel distressed. Yet, if I am honest, when I am under fire, I—like the rest of humanity—have a tendency to condemn others. My desire is that I would increasingly possess the character of Jesus Christ. I woke up this morning, recalling the words that he spoke to […]
My Muscles Are Important . . .
In most of my blog posts I focus on emotional or spiritual health, and I often talk about ways that these are connected. In my everyday life, I try to maintain a healthy balance–paying attention to spiritual, emotional, mental, relational, physical health. Taking care of my physical body is challenging for me; I would enjoy spending the entire […]