Someone Who Matters
Yesterday was Valentines Day. A few weeks ago, my husband announced that he would be preparing for a colonoscopy on February 14th and jokingly said, “Happy Valentine’s Day!” We both laughed and I knew he would not be taking me out for dinner. Of course, I would have enjoyed it. But having been married for […]
Are You Enjoying Obedience?
The word “obey” and the concept of obedience is not one that I hear spoken and discussed in the Christian community as much as I used to. Yet Jesus frequently used it. He said, “Those who know my commands and obey them are the ones who love me, and my Father will love those who […]
DON’T Give in to FEAR
I believe God has gifted me and called me to write. He inspires me almost every morning with words of a poem or lyrics of a song. Should I be content with that? I don’t know. I still want to complete the more difficult task of writing and publishing another book. I haven’t given up […]
A Joyful Reorganization
According to neuroscientist Caroline Leaf, author of Think, Learn, Succeed, and other neuroscientists, newborn brain cells are available to us each morning. Like baby goslings or ducklings, they need direction. By our thinking, we direct them to form either toxic or healthy neural pathways. Negative thoughts, based on lies and fear are toxic. Positive thoughts based on […]
Share Your Awesomeness
“Do you know that I am awesome? That I am amazing?” These were the words the speaker began with, as she addressed the children who’d gathered at the front of the church to hear their sermon. “Do you know why I am awesome?” she continued. “Because God says I am.” The point of her sermon […]
What it Means to Choose God
This year, I will be posting poetry or song lyrics which I’ve written in the past or am currently writing. This is the easiest, most enjoyable, and possibly the most effective way for me to express my heart and mind. I think my poetry speaks for itself. So without further explanation, here is my poem […]
A New Year’s Day Prayer
A dear friend gave me this journal, which I started using this morning. At the top of each page, there is a Scripture verse on which to focus. The verse for today, January 1, is from the Old Testament book, Jeremiah: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and […]
Christmas Connections
I won’t be celebrating Christmas in the presence of my children or grandchildren this year. One daughter and her family are traveling to a vacation spot outside the country. John and I had a wonderful telephone conversation with them, yesterday. On Christmas Day, we will be talking with our other daughter and family who, like […]
An Unusual Turkey Give-Away
Between the supermarket discount and the coupon my husband received for volunteering at the hospital, our Thanksgiving turkey cost us very little. Thinking about this, I recalled a favorite memory from childhood—the year my father gave away a free turkey. Not a frozen one. Not a fresh one. A live one! A few days before […]
The Awesome Gift of Choice
Do things just happen to you or do you cause things to happen? Do you make your own choices or do you allow others to choose for you? Do you feel as if you are in control your life or do you feel as if your life is out of control? We have the power to […]